The following is an article that discusses how to distinguish the types of Arabica and Robusta coffee, which have been summarized from trusted sources.
1. Location of planting
Arabica coffee plants grow in areas with an altitude of 700-1700 masl. This area is considered a plateau with cool temperatures between 16-20 degrees Celsius.
If the type of Arabica coffee is grown in plains less than 700 meters above sea level, the plant will be more susceptible to leaf rust disease or Hemileia Vastatrix (HV). This causes plants not to grow optimally.
Meanwhile, the Robusta coffee plant can grow in lowlands, which is below 700 meters above sea level. Although there are a lot of coffee beans produced, the Robusta coffee plant is more susceptible to insect attack. This type of robusta coffee bears fruit in warmer temperatures.
2. Shape of seeds
The shape of the arabica and robusta coffee beans is also different. Arabica coffee has a slightly elongated and slightly flattened bean shape. Arabica beans also have a rather large size.
Unlike the Robusta coffee beans, which are slightly rounded in shape and look solid. The size is smaller than Arabica coffee beans. Likewise, the texture is rougher than the fine Arabica coffee beans.
The different shape and structure of the arabica and robusta beans make these two types of coffee have different roasting techniques.
3. Taste and aroma of coffee
Robusta coffee is known to have a strong aroma and taste and tends to be rough. However, Robusta coffee has a neutral taste and is less varied.
Before roasting, Robusta coffee beans have a nutty aroma, but when they are roasted, the aroma is not too good, it also does not smell like when it's been brewed. But about taste, Robusta coffee is suitable for strong coffee lovers.
In contrast to Arabica coffee. This coffee has a very varied flavor and aroma variants. When not roasted, Arabica coffee beans give off a fresh, blueberry-like aroma.
When roasted, Arabica coffee gives off a tinge of fragrant aroma ranging from flowers, fruit to nuts. When tasted Arabica coffee has a taste that is not less rich, the higher sugar content in Arabica coffee makes this coffee taste sweet and sour.
These varied aromas and flavors make arabica coffee recommended to be enjoyed original without added sugar. The taste and aroma of Arabica coffee is also influenced by the surrounding plants, for example around the coffee garden there are spices, so coffee will also produce a tinge of spice.
4. Levels of caffeine
Arabica coffee has a caffeine content in the range of 0.9-1.4 percent. This relatively low amount of caffeine makes Arabica coffee taste soft and not thick when it's been brewed.
Arabica coffee is also fairly comfortable on the stomach so for those who have stomach problems, try choosing the type of arabica coffee.
Meanwhile, Robusta coffee contains quite high caffeine. The caffeine in robusta coffee is in the range of 1.8-4 percent. This kicking caffeine makes Robusta coffee have a bitter taste.
Most of the robusta coffee connoisseurs are among the elderly. Robusta coffee types are also widely used as serving creations such as milk coffee or others.
5. Price
The two types of coffee also have different price ranges. Regular robusta coffee is priced relatively stable and cheaper than Arabica coffee.
The reason is because Robusta coffee tends to taste the same. Robusta coffee is mostly sold in powder form ready for brewing. The price currently ranges from Rp 23 thousand to Rp 25 thousand per 100 grams.
Another with Arabica whose taste is more varied. The more unique the character of the Arabica coffee taste, the more expensive the price will be, especially if the availability is also limited.
Arabica coffee is much sought after by coffee lovers. Usually this coffee is sold in the form of beans, so when it is brewed, the aroma and taste are still fresh. The price of 100 gr packaged Arabica coffee has a variety of prices starting from Rp. 31 thousand to Rp. 39 thousand depending on the region of origin. (DVS / ODI)